Skin Yuzuki Yukari v3

Character: Yuzuki Yukar
Anime: (Not Anime) Vocaloid
Password: Blog Note

missing versions v1 and v2

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8 Comentarios
  1. thank you very much friend, I like a good person like you, shared beyond the skin of yuzuki yukari, you agradesco much, I like that people have a buem heart and share these skins to entertain, Arigato.

    Could you please tambiem, raising the skin in its original version please, thank you very much :)

    1. Thank you very much for the comment, and the original version if it will come out :3

    2. Thank you so much, I hope your good supply of Yuzuki at any time, Arigato ;)

  2. Cute scin, but password not work..
    Really Blog Note?

  3. It"s awsome!!!
    If you made even version, where Yukari in hoodie, i mean v1 or v2
    I will be weait nya .3 aand good luck
